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Welcome Elly Wills!

I’ve joined the Clear Vision Research Lab in 2021 as an Honours student, after finishing a Bachelor of Medical Science at the ANU. I wanted the chance to develop my research skills and take ownership of a research project, that would contribute to the growing body of research aimed at finding a treatment for AMD. I was lucky enough to meet Dr. Riccardo Natoli, who saw beyond my nerves and lack of experience, and offered me a place in the Clear Vision group.

My project this year is to profile the initial retinal changes involved in the pathogenesis of AMD, with the help of my co-supervisor Yvette Wooff. Through this, we aim to identify early molecular markers, which could be utilised in diagnostic measures or therapeutic targets for AMD.

I am so grateful to be part of the lab and have felt ongoing support from all of the Clear Vision members. Medical research is an intimidating field to approach, especially at the John Curtin School which has such a high standard of research. My journey so far has made me realise how important is to empower young researchers, as I’ve felt my confidence grow exponentially since I joined, thanks to encouragement from the lab.

My interest in the field of AMD continues to grow, and I would love to to see eye health-care become more equitable in the future. Socioeconomic and gender inequalities result in additional barriers to receiving eye check-ups and treatment. However, continued funding and research into eye health, like AMD, will hopefully mean more accessible eye-care for everyone.

- Elly Wills


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